College: Linacre College
Location: Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Davide graduated with a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Pisa, where his PhD thesis focused on statistical models to analyse and predict the resource consumption of algorithms. This was performed without resorting to static analysis, using only analysis of software behaviour, with a special focus on energy consumption. Davide is CTO of BioBeats, a startup that analyses data obtained from smartphones and wearable devices, to predict the mental wellbeing of users.
Davide works on a Bayesian Deep Learning approach to interpret and predict a user’s stress level, using data passively collected from wearable devices, merging physiological and psychological models into a single computational model. Davide is a member of Linacre College, Oxford.
Biomedical Signal Processing and Instrumentation
Davide’s current work focusses on using psycho-physiological data from wearable devices to understand individuals” health status and behaviour.
Professor David Clifton - Academic