The IBME has an excellent track record of translating academic research results into real-world applications. Our strong links with the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School make the three-way collaboration between engineering, clinical medicine, and industry particularly appealing and has led to many successful clinical trials of new technologies.
A series of short videos exploring the key research areas undertaken at the IBME and their impacts.

Within the IBME there is a strong culture of commercial exploitation through patents, licence agreements and the formation of spin-out companies.
We also work on business-led projects where the latest academic ideas are adopted into new products for developed and developing world healthcare markets.

The IBME has a strong record of engagement with industry. Links with industry include with major OEMs (including Philips, Siemens, GE Healthcare, Vodafone, China Mobile, Celsion corporation, Chongquin Haifu, China Regeneration Medicine International), and SMEs in the Oxfordshire region. The Oxfordshire biotech cluster is one of the largest and fastest growing in the UK, and the IBME is both an academic partner in its development in its own right, but also as a provider of technologies that are licensed to companies, and highly skilled biomedical engineers for its workforce.

Our case studies showcase academic research from across the Institute that has had an impact on the world or local community, and feature some of our current academics, research staff, Alumni and students.

Located at the heart of the world’s leading medical campus, on the same site as the Churchill Hospital of the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, the Institute of Biomedical Engineering is currently leading or contributing to over 30 clinical trials aimed at translating novel biomedical technologies into clinical practice.