The IBME offers training at all different stages of a biomedical engineering career. From Undergraduate courses, through Masters and Doctoral level study, to on-going training by experts once an established academic, there are various opportunities highlighted in these pages.
There is no separate undergraduate course in biomedical engineering, but the subject can be studied as part of the general engineering course offered by the University of Oxford. Interested students should follow the normal application procedure for reading Engineering Science.
For post-graduate research study at DPhil or MSc level, applicants should follow the normal application processes for the full-time or part-time DPhil or MSc by Research in Engineering Science.
For taught post-graduate study, applicants should follow the application process outlined for the MSc in Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care.

Engineering Science encompasses a vast range of subjects, from microelectronics to offshore oil platforms, and involves the application of creative reasoning, science, mathematics (and, of course, experience and common sense) to real problems.
The Department of Engineering Science at Oxford has a top-level quality assessment rating for teaching and a world-class reputation for research. Because we believe that future engineering innovation will benefit from broad foundations as well as specialised knowledge, undergraduate teaching is based on a unified course in Engineering Science, which integrates study of the subject across the traditional boundaries of engineering disciplines. Links between topics in apparently diverse fields of engineering provide well-structured fundamental understanding, and can be exploited to give efficient teaching.
Watch the following two taster lectures from our 2023 open days to discover more about biomedical engineering and what it is like to be an Engineering Science Undergraduate Student at Oxford.
Professor Tim Denison’s lecture on Replacement Parts for the Nervous System
Professor Malavika Nair’s lecture titled, “How can we Build Better Implants?”

Applicants wishing to complete a full-time or part-time DPhil in biomedical engineering should apply for the DPhil in Engineering Science, indicating their interest in biomedical engineering as part of their personal statement.
Applicants are encouraged to contact potential supervisors in their area(s) of interest to identify research projects that are best suited to their skillset and aspirations.
Several scholarships are available to cover post-graduate tuition fees and living expenses. Applicants are encouraged to check which of these funding schemes they are eligible for, and to apply to be considered for them as part of the post-graduate application process.

About the course
The MSc by Research in Engineering Science provides graduates with the opportunity to develop knowledge, understanding and expertise in their chosen field of engineering research, well beyond the level of a taught master’s degree, but without the requirement to complete as much novel research as a doctoral student. Students develop broad skills in relevant areas of mathematical and computational modelling, in the design and build of apparatus and software, and in data analytics and visualisation.
A key aspect of your research experience in the department will be exposure to the broad sweep of today’s engineering research. The department’s research groups cluster into the following fields:
- biomedical engineering
- chemical and process engineering
- civil and offshore engineering
- electrical and opto-electronic engineering
- energy
- information, vision and control engineering
- solid mechanics and materials engineering
- thermofluids and turbomachinery.

The “Experts in Residence” scheme is managed by the Translational Research Office, the Business Partnerships Office and Oxford University Innovation. It aims to give Oxford’s research community access to world-leading expertise and advice across multiple industry sectors. Scientists can arrange meetings with our experts to discuss their ideas and projects with no strings attached. We expect that this advice and support will help scientists develop the translational strategy for their projects/technologies.

Several scholarships are available to cover post-graduate tuition fees and living expenses.
Applicants are encouraged to confirm which of these funding schemes they are potentially eligible for and to apply for consideration as part of the post-graduate application process.