Daniel Bulte
Associate Professor
Tutorial Fellow at St Hilda's College
Honorary Senior Research Fellow Wellcome Centre For Integrative Neuroimaging
Tel: 01865 617687
College: St Hilda's College
Location: Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Old Road Campus Research Building, Oxford OX3 7DQ

Professor Daniel Bulte completed a BSc(hons) in Physics (1997) and a PhD in Electrical Engineering (2001) at the University of Tasmania, after which he took up a postdoctoral position in Medical Biophysics at the University of Toronto before moving to Oxford to work at the FMRIB Centre in 2004.

Daniel was appointed to his current position in September 2016. His research primarily involves analysing MRI data to create models of vascular physiology and metabolism.

Daniel has an honorary Senior Research Fellowship at the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, and regularly collaborates with researchers in the Department of Oncology, and the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford.

Daniel is passionate about outreach and public engagement and is trying to break the record for the highest number of outreach events and lectures for the University.

Daniel’s group focuses on developing translatable clinical imaging techniques for measuring blood flow and metabolism in a broad range of diseases from dementia to cancer. Primarily using MRI and often incorporating respiratory challenges we aim to determine the links between the parameters we can measure and the physiology we wish to. We are involved with a number of ongoing clinical trials based at both the John Radcliffe and Churchill Hospitals in Oxford.

Daniel is a long-standing member of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and regularly offers educational sessions on calibrated functional MRI at the annual ISMRM meeting. Daniel is an organiser for the Royal Society Theo Murphy international scientific meeting on Integrated control of cerebral blood flow.

Professor Robert Carlisle - Academic
Dr Joana Pinto - Research Staff

Imaging Cerebrovascular Reactivity

CVR is the ability of the brain vasculature to respond to changes in demand and is a critical indicator of brain health.

Oxygen-enhanced MRI

Oxygen is essential to life, it also provides intravascular MRI contrast that enables us to image where there is too little being supplied.

Quantitative MRI of Cancer

The fundamental sources of contrast in MRI can tell us a great deal about the condition and nature of tissues in the body, not just pretty pictures.

If you are interested in studying for a DPhil in Engineering Science in any of my areas of research interest then please contact me to discuss the possibility.

For a full listing of department DPhil opportunities, please visit our jobs page.