Joram J. van Rheede
DPhil in Neuroscience
Senior Postdoctoral Neuroengineer
College: Christ Church
Location: IBME
Research Building: Old Road Campus Research Building

Dr. Joram J. van Rheede is a Senior Postdoctoral Neuroengineer in the Translational Bioelectronics lab in the Institute of Biomedical Engineering and the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit at the University of Oxford, working with Prof. Timothy Denison and Prof. Andrew Sharott.

Joram obtained a BA in Liberal Arts and Sciences from Utrecht University in 2007, and moved to the University of Oxford to start the Wellcome Trust MSc + DPhil programme in Neuroscience in 2008. He obtained his MSc in Neuroscience in 2009 and defended his doctoral thesis on the role of neural activity in visual system development in 2013. After postdoctoral projects on sensory prosthetic technology and neural sensory processing, Joram joined the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit to work with Prof. Sharott in 2020 and joined the Bioelectronics lab to work with Prof. Denison in 2023.

Alongside his appointment at the BNDU, Joram is a Lecturer in Psychology at Christ Church, providing tutorials to undergraduate students of Experimental Psychology and Medicine.

  • Characterising the interaction of sleep/wake cycles and circadian rhythms with biomarkers and symptoms of neurological and psychiatric conditions, using data from human patients implanted with brain stimulation devices.
  • The testing and refinement of closed-loop neuromodulation strategies to optimise therapy for sleep and circadian rhythms, using in silico, animal model and human clinical research.

Oxford Translational Bioelectronics lab (Prof. Timothy Denison)

Sharott Lab (closed loop neuromodulation)